About Chris Souther and the History of this Blog

For many years, I did my level best to keep my blog completely separate from my professional life. Unfortunately, choices made a decade ago around online profiles means that now I can’t choose how I appear on WordPress vs. how I appear on, say, the rest of Google, which controls everything online.

So I’m embracing it. The good, the bad, the mediocre. And if I’m being completely honest, my writing almost a decade and a half ago when this blog started (on a completely different blog platform) was often, mediocre. And to be fair, I’m a very different person than who I was when I started blogging. Then, we had just started a family and I was very often stressed beyond my comfort level and frankly, out of my league.

At that time, I was also not in marcom. I was an engineer. Trained in the Air Force, I then spent the better part of a decade training others how to use the equipment the military introduced the telecom industry to here in the U.S. Then the dot.com crash happened, and I went in a different direction professionally.

Now, creeping up on 50, I have 16 years of parenting three kids behind me, along with 20 years of marriage to an amazing person. I’m more secure in who I am professionally, at least partially because I have a degree now, and I’ve accepted that not everyone is going to like me (and that’s, OK).

Personally, my priorities are: 1. God 2. Family & Close Friends 3. Career.

On the Briggs-Myer scale, I’m an ISFJ. Which means I’m analytical, meticulous, hard-working, and have introversion tendencies. On the flipside, I can “turn it on” when needed. I also tend to be quiet around new people and in new situations, but once I’ve connected with someone, we’re friends for life.

I work in marketing communications, currently in the Atlanta suburbs. I have worked in tech all my life–first as an engineer and then gradually turning to marketing communications.  My professional passion is writing, editing, and strategizing about writing and editing (Content Marketing), but I have also built up and/or managed just about every role in a traditional corporate communications or marketing communications organization.

I try and throw no stones because my house is made of complete glass. Seriously, I’m the most flawed person I know.

8 thoughts on “About Chris Souther and the History of this Blog

  1. lumpylumps

    Hey, surfed on through trishatruly, very nice blog here, – she speaks so highly of you *wink* that I’ll have to have a look around here!

  2. When I get memo’s from corporate head office at work, my boss and I (who happens to be my best friend, awesome) like to go through and judge the grammatical errors. Makes us feel a bit better about the ‘just a cog in the machine’ status 😉

    RE: I do that too, except in my case, it’s a colleague who was promoted to that of “Internal Communications,” also in charge of executive speech writing. I cackle with glee when I find something wrong! I’m sooo bad.

  3. This is a relative masterpiece. I’m wondering if I read your blog would I understand my husband more? I think it’s possible.

    I’m visiting from TrishaTruly’s blog, as your comment was interesting, the one about missing the person she used to be.

    RE: Relative to the number of people who come through here, few stop and read the “About the Author” stuff. I’m glad you did. I only recently posted this, after having written it a few years ago. Were I to write it now, I might change a few things, but not much really. Perhaps age has tempered me a bit!
    But glad you stopped by. I’ve wondered whether my recent comments on Trisha’s Blog were warranted or not, but I think, while they might sting a bit at first, she’ll see where I’m coming from. If you ever get to know her well enough, you might ask her about me–lots of history–but I love her. She’s a great person.

  4. I ran across your blog from reading a blog of a blog…
    I whole heartly agree with you on so many levels.


    RE: I think there are more of us than even we may think. It’s a quiet revolution!

  5. Pingback: Here’s One For The Blogroll « Welcome to CAB’s Place!

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