Ultrasound Day!

It’s a boy!

(yep, that makes three)

It's a boy small

After we got the lil’ booger to quit flopping around, it was confirmed! I suppose it’s only fair since, were it not for my dad adopting me and my brother, his family name would have ended with him. None of my dad’s three other brothers had any boys of their own. I suppose that, despite there not being any of his families’ blood in me and my kids, those who come after us need not know that.

We’re right at 20 weeks, although the baby is mostly measuring from 18-19 weeks. We P&P’ers are small people, so we’re not worried. Everything else looks fine and his…um…”junk” certainly seems to be working!

TEN YEARS LATER UPDATE: So this all took place at our 20 week (5 months!) ultrasound. A month later we returned for a wellness check and since we’d have the misfortune of miscarrying a couple of times, I went with CareerMom for most of these.

As we were standing in the room, the ultrasound tech was doing her usual chatting and she said the word, “She.”

I quickly glanced down at CareerMom and we exchanged confused glances. I then said, “Excuse me. You said “She.” We have bee told at our last three exams that it’s a boy.”

The tech replied, “Nope, it’s definitely a girl.”
It WAS a girl! And she’s amazing!

16 thoughts on “Ultrasound Day!

    1. dobeman

      RE: Our (old) dogs are both girls, but the are both getting up there. The Doberman is 10 and the Weimaraner is 9, so it will be even more lopsided in a couple of years.

    1. dobeman

      RE: Thanks Eric! I’m pretty stoked that my house won’t become “The Pink Princess Palace” in the coming years. Course…there’s cars, and insurance, and condoms to worry about!

  1. When is your birthday? Sometimes I read your stuff and I think you and I would be boxing in person. “The Pink Princess Palace” my ass! I hope you’re providing all those boys with some high heels to play in, hopefully MAGENTA!

    By the way, CONGRATULATIONS:) I’ve heard that only REAL MEN have all boys, STUDLY DUDES with hot kicking testosterone streams – lol. Fortunately my husband was SO OLD by the time I met him that a chick got through in the mix.

    There is some lesson here in the fact that you get left home with these little boys while your wife is out playing & you’re pulling your hair out, wishing you were at the gym. One of these days it will so totally be worth it, when they look back at all the time you spent with them & they consider themselves so fortunate to have had a dad like you.

  2. Congrats!!

    I am so far behind in reading posts… my head is spinning… but this is one I could not put off!

    I think I did say this somewhere else (email, or facebook) – but 3 boys is how we started before the two girls came along… for a total of FIVE!!!

    Only two more you guys!!

    1. dobeman

      RE: HA HA! I think you need a break man. Haven’t we already had this conversation? But thanks (again?) anyway! And I’m 99.99% certain (even higher than most forms of birth control) that I’m going to make sure we don’t follow suit!

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